You’re invited to an to a Royal Garden Party to celebrate the final episode of Armchair Adventures (for now)!
To round off a fantastic 8 months of adventures with Connie, running away to far-off places, taking part in competitions, being joined by absolutely loads of special guests, we thought we’d finish the first series of Armchair Adventures with a nice big royal garden party adventure. Being joined by none other than the Queen herself!
Our final episode of Armchair Adventures series has a little bit of everything – new guests, plenty of fun and a big party in a fancy garden. Not just any garden mind you… in the gardens of Buckingham Palace!

Joined by armed forces veterans, Connie guides us through air, land and sea to try and make it on time for the royal garden party, all while learning what a life of service really means.
“There’s more to life than textbooks.”
They stick together through the odd failed engine, hot air balloon crash and (very) long march, but when they arrive and realise they’ve forgotten their tickets, it’s the final straw for Connie. The vets must pull together and show Connie how many people she’s provided service to, before she gives up and goes home. Can they do it, or is the party ruined?
The voices you’ll hear in this episode
Are from actual, real-life armed forces veterans from across Greater Manchester, there’s Martin – British Army Bandsman, Lee – Royal Army Medical Corps, John – Army, then territorial army, then Lancashire Fusiliers, Hazel – Women’s Royal Army Corps, Debbie – RAF and Jan – Women’s Royal Navy Service
Debbie explains what service means to her… “A life of service is never ending. You get a lot from giving, sharing, supporting, listening and learning from other people.”
What happens now?
It’s been a wonderful few months, using the power of our imaginations to visit the jungle, see the Northern lights, draw ourselves a seaside and even appear on stage in a showbiz wonderland. But all this adventuring is tough going, so we need a little rest. So, this is the final epsiode of Armchair Adventures for now as we take a break from full episodes to get back our energy and recharge our imaginations.
Don’t worry though, there’ll be loads of bonus content while we’re gone to keep you entertained!
We’ll be back in autumn with series 2!
A massive thank-you!
Finally we’re so grateful for your support and getting on board Armchair Adventures. Our directors Andy and Paul – the founders of Made By Mortals and the actual brains behind the podcast have this to say to you.
“It’s been an incredible year creating Armchair Adventures, we’ve had nearly 20,000 listens, delivered school workshops to over 5,000 children, trained activity coordinators in care homes, been featured on BBC Radio 4 Extra and FunKids Radio!
We’ve also worked with some amazing people who have helped make Armchair Adventures such a success, so a HUGE thank you to Gary and Carolyn, Vic and Vicky, Suzi, James and Hannah.
Thank you also to the wonderful musicians who we have worked with and of course the beating heart of Armchair Adventures, the over 65s from our Hearts & Minds crew (Connie’s customers).
Finally, thank you listener, we hope you enjoyed the journeys and we’ll be back soon with more!”