Armchair Adventures
Activities & Resources
Download a FREE Armchair Adventures resource and let your imaginations fly…

Ancient Egypt Colour by Numbers
Travel back in time with Connie and the gang on an Egyptian Adventure like no other!. Can you colour in the picture using our useful colour code?

A Cryptic Christmas Puzzle!
Merry Christmas adventurers! Can you fit the nine Christmas words above into our cryptic Christmas crossword?

Decorate a Spaceship
In ‘A Giant Leap Adventure’ (Series 5 ), Connie and the gang have been sprucing up their very own spaceship. What would yours look like?

Draw Connie’s Prom Outfit
For ‘A Super Sustainable Fashion Adventure’ (Series 4), can you draw Connie a Super Sustainable outfit? Will you draw a prom dress or maybe even a fancy suit? What would it be made of?

Make your own Dino-Mask!
To accompany ‘A Prehistoric Portal Adventure (S4)’ – You’re invited to colour, cut and make your own dinosaur mask!

Roman Maze!
To accompany ‘A Roman Invasion Adventure’ from Series 4, can you guide the Roman through the maze to find his gold coins?

Make your own
Eurovision flag
This activity accompanies ‘A Eurovision Song Contest Adventure (Series 4)’.
Every country has their own flag, why not make your own adventurer?

Do you know your
Eurovision flags?
This activity accompanies ‘A Eurovision Song Contest Adventure (Series 4)’.
Can you connect the right country to its flag adventurer?

Shakespeare Spot the Difference No.2!
To accompany ‘A Shakespeare Adventure’ from Series 4, can you spot 5 differences in each of the pictures?

Shakespeare Spot the Difference! No.1!
To accompany ‘A Shakespeare Adventure’ from Series 4, can you spot 5 differences in each of the pictures?

Draw your favourite episode!
In the ‘Grammy Awards Adventure’ (S4), Uncle Chris has choses his favourite Armchair Adventure moments. Can you draw your favourite episode?

A Musical Connect- the- Dots 3 !
In ‘A Musical Extravaganza Adventure’, from Series 4, the gang are on route to pick up the musicians on Mrs Maestro’s bus! Can you connect the dots to find out the mystery instrument?

A Musical Connect- the- Dots 2 !
In ‘A Musical Extravaganza Adventure’, from Series 4, the gang are on route to pick up the musicians on Mrs Maestro’s bus! Can you connect the dots to find out the mystery instrument?

A Musical Connect- the- Dots!
In ‘A Musical Extravaganza Adventure’, from Series 4, the gang are on route to pick up the musicians on Mrs Maestro’s bus! Can you connect the dots to find out the mystery instrument?

Girl Power Word-Search!
In ‘A Girl Power Scrapbook Adventure’ (S4) Connie and the gang collect positive affirmations from Ada’s Scrapbook. Can you find all the positive words?

Draw Your Own Armchair Adventure
Where would you send Connie and her lovely customers on an Armchair Adventure? It could be to the moon in a super-speedy rocket or a castle where every day is your birthday! Download our fancy frame and get creative!

Help Your Community
The Armchair Adventures team need your help with a very special mission, to help people in your community feel less lonely. If you think you’ve got what it takes, download the pack and read on…

Let’s Get Composting (KS2)
This resource contains two creative activities aimed at children in key stage 2, inspired by our ‘A Compost Adventure’ (series 2). You’ll create a film in the style of David Attenborough and a poster to help save our planet!

Design Your Own Armed Forces Uniform
To celebrate our ‘A Royal Garden Party Adventure’ from series 1,
we’ve got a lovely colouring-in template for you to design your own uniform for the armed forces!

Let’s Get Composting (KS1)
It’s time to help save the planet with these two creative activities inspired by our ‘ A Compost Adventure’ (series 2). You’ll create your own new minibeast and get all green-fingered making a rot-pot!

Racial Equality Teaching Resource
This pack is made up of three teaching sessions aimed at KS2 pupils. The activities take a closer look at the key historical figures learnt about in our ‘A Unity Adventure’, including Dr Martin Luther King Jr, Marcus Rashford and individuals from the ‘Windrush Generation.

Write a Haiku With Connie
Connie and the gang go on a magical ‘A Poetry Adventure’ to start series 3 of Armchair Adventures. Release your inner poet with this activity sheet, as Connie teaches you all about haiku poems and challenges you to write your own!

The Biggest Obstacle Course On Earth Adventure
Grab your trainers and get ready to join in with ‘The Biggest Obstacle Course On Earth Adventure’ with your friends and family! Join in with lots of active fun at home, and then design your very own obstacle course.
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