A Camaraderie Adventure – Out Now! 🎧
In this month’s episodes of our award-winning kid’s podcast Armchair Adventures we’re going on A Camaraderie Adventure with Connie and the gang!

Connie is super stressed out because she’s been doing all of the behind the scenes work putting Armchair Adventures all by herself. There’s so much to do – recording the episodes, adding the sound effects, working with the musicians… It’s just too much for one person!
Luckily, some of the gang are veterans of the Armed Forces and know a thing or two about camaraderie!
But what is camaraderie?
Ronnie: You know, bringing people together!
Hazel: Helping people feel like they belong.
John R: And feel a sense of collective pride.
Jan: In the mission.
Hazel: And each other of course.
John O: And having fun along the way.
Ronnie: Oh yes, don’t forget having fun!
John R: You know the jokes and banter in the forces. You just can’t beat it.
The whole gang want to pull together and become a ‘behind the scenes’ team to help Connie! They head to Armchair Adventures Head Quarters to muck in, each taking on a job that plays to their strengths.
Now that everyone is working together, everything is going swimmingly to get the latest episodes ready. That is until some unexpected obstacles get in the way! Can Connie and the gang work together to get the job done?
A Camaraderie Adventure is funded by Veterans’ Foundation. Remember to tune into Part Two from Thursday 17th November to find out what happens next!
Until then, adventurers can continue with the fun with our free colouring in template where you can design your own armed forces uniform! We would love to see what you come up with and share your designs with our listeners around the world, so send them to us on Facebook, Instagram or Twitter.