For Data's Sake - An Interactive Event Exploring A New Social Care Index

FOR DATA’S SAKE | An Interactive Event Exploring A New Social Care Index

Two presenters speak into microphones at the For Data's Sake event, with the audience listening through silent disco headphones.

At our recent event FOR DATA’S SAKE, we teamed up with University of Manchester to explore the VISable index, a potential new tool that could be used in social care. 

Watch our video explainer that imagines a future world where VISable is possible: 

We started the event with an immersive audio story featuring Ruby and Dennis, an elderly couple facing challenges due to Ruby’s dementia. Our audience, made up of social care workers, students, and healthcare professionals, joined this storytelling journey through wireless headphones. We also had live action with actors portraying social workers ‘Alex’ and ‘Jordan.’ At the end of the show our over-60s group, Hearts and Minds, rose from their seats and slowly danced towards the front as a beautiful reminder of who the VISable index will be designed to support.

Made By Mortals' over 60's community group dance at For Data's Sake, wearing silent disco headphones.

During the discussion about VISable afterwards, professionals saw the value of a consistent approach but worried about losing the human touch. Our over-60s were concerned about privacy and disruptions to routines. Both groups emphasised the need for personal connection in social care and not treating people as a number in a database. These discussions will be fed back and will help shape VISable into a new tool that can truly address the needs and concerns of individuals like Ruby and Dennis.

Dr. Paul Clarkson, Senior Lecturer in Social Care at Manchester University, shared:

 “The event exceeded our expectations and has provided us with all necessary outputs to inform our plans for the future with Manchester City Council (who were also at the event and described it as ‘outstanding’ and ‘insightful’).”

If you’re curious to know what stakeholders think of this potential new tool called VISable, check out our additional audio content:

How do stakeholders feel about the use of VISable in social care for over 60’s?

What are the strengths and weaknesses of VISable?

What do the team behind VISable need to consider while developing this index?

If you would like to know how Made By Mortals could support your project like we did with FOR DATA’S SAKE,
including a quote, please email or call 0161 804 2078